Showing posts with label employment in canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label employment in canada. Show all posts

Monday, March 30, 2020

Translation of documents for getting a visa to Canada

Canada is a country famous for its stability and permanency. There happen no defaults, economic downfalls and other critical situations.
It is no wonder that people come here to study, work and live. However, you have to gather and translate a package of documents, if you want to receive a visa and visit this country without any issues.
Our Agency provides services of visa processing for:
  • working;
  • studying;
  • preparing of diplomas for certification in the territory of the Canada;
  • tourist or guest trip;
  • immigration and getting a residence permit.
Translation of documents must be performed perfectly and contain no mistakes. Notary certifies the authenticity of translator’s signature.
Procedure of filling of the documents for an immigration to the country of maple syrup
There are several stages you need to go through:
1. To gather all necessary documents:
  • Birth certificates of all family members;
  • Marriage or divorce certificates (if any);
  • Income certificates from the place of work;
  • Certificates from the places of study;
  • Work record books;
  • Police clearance certificates;
  • Certificates of ownership of movable and immovable property
  • and other documents that may be required in the particular case.
2. To complete professional translation of the above listed documents into English or French.
3. To certify of the authenticity of translator’s signature by notary.
4. To submit the whole package of documents to the Embassy located in Kyiv.
Embassy will not accept your visa application, if even one letter in translation does not correspond with the original document. Therefore, it is better for you order such service in the Agency that have been specializing in this field for many years and has a lot of positive feedbacks. “Derzhpereklad” can be classified as one of such Agencies.
What documents with translation of them are required for receiving a visitor’s, student’s or working visa? 
If you enter the country on a visitor’s visa, you will have to present the following documents:
  • passport for traveling abroad
  • income certificate 
  • cover letter 
Purpose of travel has to be verified by the invitation letter from the relatives.  
If you plan to study in Canada, for receiving a student’s visa, you will have to provide supporting document from the institution that invites you. 
Make sure that you have the invitation letter from the employer if you are looking to obtain an employment. 
Our Agency ready to provide the full range of services without your personal presence. It means that you will not have to attend the Embassy in person, worry about legal side of the case etc. Call the number specified in “Contacts” section to get the information of interest, such as the cost of services and other. 
What other cases may require a translation of document?  
Let’s assume, that you wish to improve your qualification in foreign country and enter the country on working visa as not a simple worker, but as a middle-ranking specialist. In this case, you have to certify your diploma, as Canada has its own criteria in the field of education. 
You have to do the following:
  • to verify your diploma at the Ministry of Education of Ukraine;
  • to translate your educational documents;
  • to send the package of documents to the WES Canada directly.
If all documents are translated correctly and have official status, waiting time will take about 1-2 months. Therefore, please concern with all necessary nuances in advance. These terms may be delayed in particular cases.  
 “Derzhpereklad” Agency ( also provides support in filling-up of application form in foreign language. All information must be specified clearly and contain no mistakes.   
Why is this procedure so strict? Canada is the state that takes the protection of the rights and security of its citizens very seriously. Entering this country is hard and yet possible. We are glad to help you with this.  
Call us anytime. Consultation is free. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

How to Find a Job in Canada

The modern global world, in fact, does not bind people to the particular place of living. There are thousands of ways and possibilities to challenge oneself in other social environments, to see the world and enrich you with new experience and impressions. There is also nothing impossible in getting a new job in Canada in particular.

In Canada as well as all over the world, the employer’s wish is the decisive factor for getting a job. That’s why the first thing to do is to find somebody who will hire you for a particular position. In general, there are a lot of vacancies including jobs for foreigners. If you have found an employer ready to hire you, he has to advertise an open job vacancy in the local press and on the Internet. At the same time, the employer submits an application to the local Ministry of Labour, asks to give him permission for hiring exactly you, and explains why there are no Canadian citizens suitable for this position (for example you are a rare specialist, or Canadians do not want to work in this position because of low salary).  The local Ministry of Labour has a month for considering the application. The Ministry will most likely issue a permit for your employment on condition that a Canadian employee won’t be found during that month.

After getting such permission, an invitation and a copy of the contract from a Canadian employer, you have to collect a package of documents. It includes the following documents translated into English: a diploma with a supplement, a work record card, a passport, references from a Ukrainian employer, where you worked on the position similar you want to obtain in Canada, and a certificate of non-conviction.  In addition to this, it is required to receive the international IELTS certificate for language skills with the score not less than 6.5 points out of 9 possible. Also, it preferably to provide documents on the ownership of movable or immovable property in Ukraine, a bank account and confirm having a child, spouse or elderly parents. All this is done to prove that you want to get a temporary job in Canada, a lot of things hold you in Ukraine and you are not going to stay forever across the ocean. With these papers you have to go to the embassy, pay a visa fee of $150 CAD, have an interview and, if everything goes well, get a visa.

After this, you must undergo a medical examination in one of the Ukrainian clinics indicated by the embassy (examination by a therapist, x-ray, blood and urine tests). The visa is issued for half a year with the possibility of extending in Canada to a maximum of three years.

Usually, the employer makes a contract for the duration of the visa and then can extend it. After two years of legal residence in the country, you can apply for a residence permit.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Canadian Permanent Residence Visas

Today’s article is about immigration to Canada.
The Canadian state due to its possibilities stimulates the immigration. The fact that the country possesses large and mostly underpopulated areas greatly contributes to immigrate. There are a couple of ways to immigrate to Canada: immigration on professional trading skills programs, business immigration, self-employment, sponsorship immigration, immigration via studying in Canada, obtaining of a refugee-status.

1. Programs of professional trading skills immigration
Programs of professional trading skills immigration are designed for attracting to the Canadian economy the experts of the needed professions. The list of professions is quite wide; however, the requirements are quite high as well. The obligatory requirement is knowledge of the English or French languages. Depending on the profession there are different requirements for the work experience and qualification. The choice of applicants is made on a competition basis, and this contest is quite dense.
2. Business immigration
Business immigration implies the opening in Canada his own business or investing funds in already working Canadian enterprise. This way will not be suitable for everyone, as it is connected to significant costs.
3. Self-employment
Self-employment is attracting to the life in Canada people, it is possible to say with the world name: sportsmen, artists, writers, representatives of other artistic professions. Of course, this way is also suitable not for everyone.
4. Sponsorship immigration
Sponsorship immigration implies the invitation from relatives, who will guarantee the financial maintaining of your residence in Canada. A residence permit is offered in case of a positive decision of a migration department of Canada.
5. Immigration via studying
Immigration via studying is the most real and perspective way for young people. Studying in the Canadian university or some Institute gives the opportunity not only obtain a Canadian diploma but during the study to find a place of future work.
6. Obtaining of a refugee-status
Canada offers protection to those who are subjected to persecution in their motherland, and whose abode outside Canada threatens to them with tortures, cruel treatment or unusual cruel punishments. This can be connected to intolerance to race, sex, religious beliefs; with political beliefs, membership in certain social groups, civil war, military conflict, violation of an individual's rights; the inability of integration in the host country.
As it is seen, to immigrate to Canada is quite complicated, but at the same time possibly. In order to succeed it is necessary to knuckle down, but everything can be achieved if desired. Moreover, migration services market there are many organizations offering help in the current issue.

Friday, May 26, 2017

All the roads lead to… Canada

Canadian waterfalls

Of course, the name of this text contains a part of a joke. However, for people, who are seriously concerned about changing the country of living, questions become essential ones on whether to go and where to go, and if change then to change what? Because it only seems that everywhere is good where we don’t belong, but in fact, there are few countries that have the higher welfare level than we have. And there are poor practical possibilities to emigrate.

Why Canada?

Canada is one of the few countries, the government of which encourages and stimulates the immigration. This promotes some factors. First of all, the Canadian territory is the second in the world and the majority of its areas are undeveloped. In this respect unlike the majority highly developed countries, Canada has large resources. The majority of the territories are in the zone of severe climate, but cold winters are nothing in comparison with severest drouths and acute shortage of fresh water, which often face African and Asian countries. That’s why migration processes will settle people further and further to the North, and Canada in this list if the first lines. It gives way to the number of water resources only to Russia.
Second of all, Canada cannot show great results of the demographic growth. The natural demographic growth equals practically to zero. Replenishment with citizens from outside is vital to a Canadian state. The essential immigration is one of the criteria of development. So, immigration to Canada will go on henceforth. There is no background for now that it will be closed.
Third of all, the Canadian state realizes the whole package of immigration programs on attracting to Canada professionals and experts from all over the world. Immigration via professional programs allows roughly saying to increase the qualitative composition of the population. Of course, Canada needs ordinary working hands as well. But the emphasis is on attracting to the country the high-qualified experts.

The quite wise immigration policy of the Canadian state allows regulate competently the immigration flow and offering the immigrants high-quality living conditions, that despite the high contest among applicants, it attracts the willing people from all over the world (including very developed countries) to immigrate to Canada.

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