Showing posts with label Translation of documents in Kyiv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Translation of documents in Kyiv. Show all posts

Monday, April 6, 2020

Translation of documents in Kyiv

Translation of documents into foreign language may be required for the residence permit processing, concluding of marriage in the territory of foreign countries, employment, entering higher educational establishments, receiving a medical treatment in foreign clinics and in many other situations. There is no difficulty to translate documents into English, but you will have to take a lot of legal nuances into account and draw up a document in full accordance with established requirements in order to make sure that it will be accepted by relevant authorities.

How the translation of document is performed?

Procedure of performing and drawing up of translation depends on its type. There are several types of translation, such as informational, medical, technical, and notarized translation etc. Also, certain restrictions are imposed by procedural rules, which are established by current legislation. Informational translation is relevant to archive documents used in research papers. Medical translation is necessary for the establishing of diagnosis and administration of treatment in foreign clinics. Technical translation is used for the localization of drawings, schemas and diagrams, instructions and manuals.

As to notarized translation, it is commonly used when processing of the documents in the territory of foreign countries, for example, for obtaining the temporary or permanent residence permit, medical insurance, marriage certificate etc. This procedure involves the certifying of the translation by notary in accordance with the legislation requirements. 

Five main stages of translation of documents are listed below:

1. You make a request and specify the volume of the service.
2. We translate the document and draw it up in a proper manner.
3. Notary certifies the accuracy of translation, if so required
4. We complete a drawing up of the document in compliance with the specified requirements. 
5. You receive the completed document.

A lot of nuances should be taken into account in the process of the translation of documents. It is important that specialist providing this service must have relevant qualification and experience. Mistakes made in the documents may result in a situation where you will not be able to use it because of inaccurate translation or incorrectness in drawing up of it.    

Where you can order documents translation from a foreign language?

It is better to take care of the choice of reputable Translation Agency ( that is ready to provide the package of necessary services and guarantee its quality beforehand. When comparing the prices of several companies, you may find only nonsignificant difference among them. Which is why there is no reason to seek the lowest price. Entrust performing of this work to a highly reputable company after considering the responses on its work and feedback of its customers.        

We recommend you to order this service from Derzhpereklad Translation Agency ( located in Kyiv. Company is able to translate your documents from almost any language of the world into target language; upon request of the customer, notary will certify all translated documents in full accordance with requirements of current legislation. Some nice bonuses - work will be performed at the highest-level quality within very short terms and at affordable prices with providing of maximum guarantees for each client!     

Monday, March 30, 2020

Translation editing

A text that is difficult to understand and contains many grammar mistakes is considered to be the highest level of unprofessionalism.  

Regardless of its topic and target audience, text must be grammatically correct and easy to understand. This is particularly true for translations, because use of a machine translating program may result in receiving just a senseless set of words instead of well-formed text.    

Have you already ordered a translation service from some other agency, but you doubt about its quality now? Contact our agency for the editing and proofreading of the translation. We approach this challenge in a comprehensive manner:
  • improve a structure of the text;
  • piece together a logical sense;
  • bring the text to one style;
  • formalize the material according to the international standards and taking into consideration its specification and field.
Our specialist will proofread the text, check it for grammatical mistakes, and verify the right use of terms and correctness of the names of companies etc.  

Text editing is a diligent work, which may take even more time than a translation itself. There are many offers available in the language sector, but only a few of agencies may provide excellent service. 

Advantages of editing and proofreading performed by our agency

If you order a translation from our agency, all of the above listed features will be included. You pay only once and receive the high-quality work. 

If you bring to us an unsatisfactory work made by the other translation services provider, you will have to pay for some of the services again. Therefore, don’t you seek a profit where there is none. Contact DerzhPereklad Agency, because we guarantee:    

  • verifying of right use of terms and correctness of the names of companies;
  • estimation by an expert with the consideration of its specification and field;
  • correction of mistakes in spelling and punctuation
  • eliminating or repetitions in the text and replacing them by synonyms.

Summarizing the talk, you will receive the professional translation, which demonstrates the high level of our competency. 

Difference between editing and proofreading

Proofreading of the texts involves the eliminating of small mistakes, notes, punctuation marks and mistakes in spelling of words. It is the final stage of text processing, after which material can be uploaded on the website or presented to the customer.   

Proofreading of the texts takes much less time than its editing. Therefore, such service is affordable and very important. 

Do you want to receive the qualitatively fulfilled work? Call the number specified in “Contacts” section to get more detailed information.

Alternatively, you can visit our office located in the Zaporizhzhia City at the following address: 135 Sobornyi Avenue, room 411a (

New customers are always welcome!

Translation of documents for getting a visa to Canada

Canada is a country famous for its stability and permanency. There happen no defaults, economic downfalls and other critical situations.
It is no wonder that people come here to study, work and live. However, you have to gather and translate a package of documents, if you want to receive a visa and visit this country without any issues.
Our Agency provides services of visa processing for:
  • working;
  • studying;
  • preparing of diplomas for certification in the territory of the Canada;
  • tourist or guest trip;
  • immigration and getting a residence permit.
Translation of documents must be performed perfectly and contain no mistakes. Notary certifies the authenticity of translator’s signature.
Procedure of filling of the documents for an immigration to the country of maple syrup
There are several stages you need to go through:
1. To gather all necessary documents:
  • Birth certificates of all family members;
  • Marriage or divorce certificates (if any);
  • Income certificates from the place of work;
  • Certificates from the places of study;
  • Work record books;
  • Police clearance certificates;
  • Certificates of ownership of movable and immovable property
  • and other documents that may be required in the particular case.
2. To complete professional translation of the above listed documents into English or French.
3. To certify of the authenticity of translator’s signature by notary.
4. To submit the whole package of documents to the Embassy located in Kyiv.
Embassy will not accept your visa application, if even one letter in translation does not correspond with the original document. Therefore, it is better for you order such service in the Agency that have been specializing in this field for many years and has a lot of positive feedbacks. “Derzhpereklad” can be classified as one of such Agencies.
What documents with translation of them are required for receiving a visitor’s, student’s or working visa? 
If you enter the country on a visitor’s visa, you will have to present the following documents:
  • passport for traveling abroad
  • income certificate 
  • cover letter 
Purpose of travel has to be verified by the invitation letter from the relatives.  
If you plan to study in Canada, for receiving a student’s visa, you will have to provide supporting document from the institution that invites you. 
Make sure that you have the invitation letter from the employer if you are looking to obtain an employment. 
Our Agency ready to provide the full range of services without your personal presence. It means that you will not have to attend the Embassy in person, worry about legal side of the case etc. Call the number specified in “Contacts” section to get the information of interest, such as the cost of services and other. 
What other cases may require a translation of document?  
Let’s assume, that you wish to improve your qualification in foreign country and enter the country on working visa as not a simple worker, but as a middle-ranking specialist. In this case, you have to certify your diploma, as Canada has its own criteria in the field of education. 
You have to do the following:
  • to verify your diploma at the Ministry of Education of Ukraine;
  • to translate your educational documents;
  • to send the package of documents to the WES Canada directly.
If all documents are translated correctly and have official status, waiting time will take about 1-2 months. Therefore, please concern with all necessary nuances in advance. These terms may be delayed in particular cases.  
 “Derzhpereklad” Agency ( also provides support in filling-up of application form in foreign language. All information must be specified clearly and contain no mistakes.   
Why is this procedure so strict? Canada is the state that takes the protection of the rights and security of its citizens very seriously. Entering this country is hard and yet possible. We are glad to help you with this.  
Call us anytime. Consultation is free. 

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