Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Translation Bureau in Zaporizhzhia

The Derzhpereklad translation agency in Zaporizhzhia provides a full range of services for the translation of documents into more than 50 languages. The possibility of international commercial cooperation, studying abroad, medical tourism, permanent residence and dozens of other issues require high-quality translation of documents. Moreover, in any of these cases, we are ready to help you.

Advantages of Derzhpereklad

The Derzhpereklad translation agency is:

  • High-quality translations

We employ large personnel of specialists in the linguistic field – translators, proofreaders, editors, literary consultants. In addition, we guarantee high quality translation of texts, taking into account thematic features (medical, technical, educational texts are dealt with by specialists who are acquainted with the appropriate terminology). We accept orders of any complexity, including you can order a certified translation, translation with apostille, legalization of documents, translation and localization of websites, etc.

  • The minimum terms for the finished translation

We know that our customers often need to translate their documents urgently. If the time is an issue for you, we will devote all our efforts in the shortest possible time. We will not miss the deadline and will not let you down! At the same time, urgent translation does not affect the quality indicators, which remains invariably high.

  • Comfortable cooperation

You can provide us with the source material in any format, choose the method of payment and get the result (pick up the translation directly at the office of the translation agency in Zaporizhzhia, get it by courier, by e-mail, etc.)

Features of cooperation

Thanks to an individual approach and constant improvement of work processes, we manage to maintain a leading position in such a competitive segment as translation services. The high quality of the result, convenience and affordable prices for document translations were appreciated by our numerous partners.

We work with both private individuals and business entities, as well as with state and municipal institutions. If the issue of translation of any type is relevant for you, e.g. a power of attorney or a medical certificate, a manual for equipment or a book, the Derzhpereklad invites you to cooperation!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Translation of texts on various subject matters

Translation of texts on various subject matters requires not only a high level of language proficiency but also core education in a particular industry. The translator must be proficient in terminology, understand abbreviations and special notations, and be theoretically and practically competent in the field for which the translation is targeted.

Derzhpereklad Translation Agency translation of texts on various subject matters 

4 reasons to entrust translation to the specialists of our agency:

1. A handpicked team of translators and editors, who will ensure the same quality of translation of texts on different subject matters throughout the entire project.

2. Translation of texts is carried out in accordance with international quality standards ISO 9001, ISO 17100.

3. The translators are fluent in more than 20 languages, including Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, English, German, French, Spanish, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese, Greek, Estonian and others.

4. Successful experience in working with texts of different complexity and core, whether it personal documents, articles and books, technical texts, advertising prospects, company website.

Translation subject matters

The Derzhpereklad Agency Team (Kyiv, Ukraine) has experience in working with various subject matters: jurisprudence, finance and economics, journalism and media, pharmacy, fiction and scientific and technical literature.

Medicine and pharmacy. Translations of test results, anamnesis, medical certificates, pack inserts. The patients’ health and life depends on the correct translation of medicine and pharmacy texts. The subject matter requires knowledge of core terminology and high translation accuracy. You need to know the designations of diseases and medicines, puzzle out the symptoms and international classifications, have different experience with medicine documents and certificates from medical institutions. A text of the pharmacy and medicine field shall correctly convey the meaning indicated in the source, avoiding ambiguity or different interpretations of the written text.

Legal issues. It implies using the language acceptable in this area and knowing the legal basis of the state for which the translation is performed.

Technical area. The translation text should be simple and informative. Equipment specifications, installation manuals, descriptions of the commissioning stages are subject to translation. A false translation can lead to malfunction of units and endanger human health.

Finance and economics. The scope of finance implies an accurate transfer of the terms of reference from the source text. Economic and financial translation requires keeping a brief form of presentation, using lexical expressions, corresponded to this subject matter.

Journalism. The Ukrainian and foreign media are active participants in the social, economic and political life of countries. This belongs to the field of journalism. You need to be familiar with the finesses of journalism to translate articles, coverages, reviews, interviews, print and electronic media. You need to be able to balance between cold-hearted information content and emotionalism of the text, without oscillating between extremes. You need to understand the peculiarities of presenting material in business and political media, be able to accurately convey the author’s style to translate journalism facets.

Works of art. The matter requires a creative mindset, the ability to correctly choose the equivalents of set phrases in another language, while maintaining the original meaning. It is unacceptable to use a different strategy to translate the same work. The stylistics should be preserved as close as possible to the source text. The finished translation should be easy to read. A native speaker should not have the sense that the text is only adapted to the speaker’s native language.

It is better to entrust translations of texts of highly specialized matters to a well-coordinated team of managers, translators, editors and specialists with core education. This approach will bring the best results with the least investment of time and money.

Diploma Translation

The diploma is the main document for those who plan to find a job or continue their studies. If you want to study at a foreign education or apply for a job in a foreign company, you will need a translation of your diploma into the appropriate language and its notary certification (legalization).

The intricacies of the diploma translation

  • Professional skills and qualifications are of great importance in the modern labor market. However, education is still the main criterion for hiring new employees. In this case, the usual translation of the document cannot be done, therefore, when planning to submit it to foreign universities or companies, the translation of the diploma shall be notary certified.
  • Translation and legalization of the diploma is carried out in accordance with generally accepted world standards. This makes it possible to evaluate and compare the qualifications obtained during training in another country.
  • The translator shall have the appropriate knowledge and qualifications to ensure the accuracy of the translation. Due to this, foreign employers and employees of educational institutions will be able to get all the necessary information from the translation, as if they were reading the diploma in the original language.

Why do you need a diploma translation

To submit documents to a foreign university, you need to have the original document of the diploma, its notary certified translation and transcript. The diploma confirms that the graduate actually got a degree and defended a graduation thesis.

A transcript is an annex to a diploma, which indicates the subjects that the student has mastered, the number of hours he or she listened to, as well as the points that were obtained in passing exams and differential credits.

We remind you that in addition to a diploma, you may also need a translation of your high school diploma or other documents confirming qualifications. We recommend that you clarify these points immediately at the place of presentation.

Nota bene: the original educational document shall have an apostille from the Ministry of Education.

How to order a diploma translation in Ukraine

The qualified translators of the Translation Agency provide translation services, including the diploma translation, the diploma transcript and the legalization of documents for the place of presentation.

Features of cooperation:

  • We guarantee the accuracy, adequacy and stylistic correspondence of the translation, including specific terms, abbreviations, etc. We provide legalization, apostille certification, and notary certification – if necessary.
  • We work with diplomas of any educational institution – technical, financial, medical, humanitarian, we translate diplomas of graduates of educational institutions in the segment of sports, culture, etc.
  • We accept original documents for getting started in any format – you can bring them personally to our office in Kyiv or Zaporizhzhia or provide them by digital means of communication. You can receive the finished work at the Translation Agency or by courier delivery.
  • We know that often vacancies in foreign companies are “late deal”, so we are ready to carry out the urgent diploma translation as soon as possible.
  • We guarantee that all documents delivered to us are in safe. We ensure the protection of personal data and information contained in translated documents.
  • Translation service prices are affordable in our Translation Agency. You can learn the price list of the company to make sure that our offers are attractive.

If you need to translate your diploma, contact only core specialists! Any inaccuracy in translation could cost you your student space in the university or the vacancy for which you are applying.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Translation of personal civil documents in Kyiv

A passport is a document without which no truly serious event in our life can be done. Consistently, the translation of a passport is a common necessity. Without such a translation, it is impossible to travel abroad (even if travel destinations are the former Soviet republics or the CIS countries), to apply to higher educational institutions and much more. If you need to translate a passport, as well as a birth certificate or other personal documents in Kyiv, Derzhpereklad Translation Agency will perform quickly and efficiently such service for you. Let us consider the features of translation of personal documents, as well as understand the intricacies of notary certified translation.

Passport: when you need a translation

Most often, a translation of a Ukrainian passport or birth certificate into a foreign language is required to travel abroad. In addition, it does not matter if you plan to stay in the country for permanent residence or the visit is temporary. To open a visa, the embassies of some states sometimes require a notary certification of an internal passport.

If you plan to leave for the Russian Federation or Belarus for permanent or temporary residence, to carry out transactions there with government agencies (for example, to draw up inheritance rights, to buy or sell real estate, to get social benefits, and so on), you will also have to transfer your passport. Moreover, it is worth doing this in advance, so that later you will save yourself from unnecessary trouble in a foreign country.

Please note that if you plan to get higher education at one of the Ukrainian universities, you shall translate your passport (first pages) into English. This is due to a recent innovation in the higher education system in Ukraine. The matter is that a number of universities in our country issue documents on education in Ukrainian and English – in accordance with the Bologna Process.

To avoid mistakes in the spelling of the student’s surname, universities request an official translation of the first and second pages of the passport with a Translation Agency stamp.

If you are a citizen of a foreign state staying in Ukraine, you will need to translate your passport into Ukrainian in the following cases:

  • upon obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine,
  • upon marriage,
  • upon receipt of the TIN,
  • when concluding various transactions in notary establishments.

What are the intricacies of a notary certified translation?

It involves the mandatory certification of the translator’s signature by a notary. It shall be noted that the authenticity of the copy of the document is not certified.

You can translate your passport into foreign language in Kyiv at Derzhpereklad Translation Agency. Here you will find high-quality translation at the best prices in a short time. In addition, here you will be helped to translate other personal documents: certificates of birth, marriage, death, work record books, diplomas and more.

Derzhpereklad Translation Agency employs a professional team of translators, editors and technical specialists who are fluent not only in languages, but in the subtleties of translation of various documents. You can translate documents into almost 50 foreign languages ​​and be 100% confident in the quality and correctness of all legal issues.

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